@MASTERSTHESIS{ 2018:1738925534, title = {Neutrino interaction and detection in the SBND experiment.}, year = {2018}, url = "https://bdtd.unifal-mg.edu.br:8443/handle/tede/1264", abstract = "The neutrino flavor oscillation phenomena is a conclusive proof of neutrino masses and can be described by a well established and tested quantum model. However, a non-completed part of this history lives in short-baseline experiments, due to LSND and MiniBooNE anomalies, with a possible fourth neutrino, heavier and devoid of flavor, therefore does not interact even weakly. SBN is a scientific program able to solve this short oscillation problem, using a high level of detection resolution, the LArTPC technology in three detectors, being the nearest from the source, SBND, the experiment with potential to make most precise measurement neutrino-argon cross section. Thus, this study is concentrated in understand neutrino interaction, in order to apply it in the SBND detection context. To achieve this goal, the scattering was used in a cross section calculation, where results showed the charged current process is not expected, given the energy threshold 11 GeV, out of the SBN beam spectrum, while the neutral current scattering is allowed, but with a very low rate, due to the total cross section magnitude to be , for energies GeV, that, compared to demonstrated neutrino-nucleus cross section at this energy range (), is really small, so play a non-insignificant, but secondary hole in the experiment. After this overview, the simulation process with LArSoft was escribed and a sample of simulated data was used to show some physical expectations with truth information and at the end, detector simulation, which provides a more realistic response, allowing not only to test the current reconstruction algorithms, but also a particle identification tool. The development of the last one was part of the analysis, based in simple assumptions, such as track length and loss energy along space () described by Bethe-Bloch equation, in a try of select muons, pions and protons in CC 0 and 1 in the final state channels. The results in general were positive, with efficiency in the case of all particles and individually in the muon and proton case, whose efficiency was , but the pion efficiency was very low () and an hypothesis could be the presence of other particles do not considered or even the low number of assumptions to the algorithm making, that will need more detailed study for future works.", publisher = {Universidade Federal de Alfenas}, scholl = {Programa de Pós-graduação em Física}, note = {Instituto de Ciência e Tecnologia} }