@MASTERSTHESIS{ 2021:611880331, title = {Alkaline tantalum germanate glasses and Glass-ceramics for second Harmonic Generation}, year = {2021}, url = "https://bdtd.unifal-mg.edu.br:8443/handle/tede/1798", abstract = "Transparent and homogeneous alkaline tantalum germanate glasses of molar composition (90-x)GeO2-10M2O-xTa2O5 with x=15 and 20 and M=Na, K or Rb were prepared by the melt-quenching technique. Final color of the samples were related with contaminations from the crucible but the use of pure platinum crucible allowed to prepare colorless glasses. The crystallization behavior of these glasses was investigated in details in the sodium tantalum germanates glasses and a complex multi-step crystallization behavior was identified: fast heat treatments (1h) at the onset of crystallization induce precipitation of a perovskite bronze-like crystalline phase Na2Ta8O21 from a volume crystallization mechanism. On the other hand, longer heat treatments (at least 18h) at the same temperature promote a progressive formation and growth of surface spherulites of about 50 m in diameter. In addition, these spherulitic glass ceramics exhibit a strong Second Harmonic Generation (SHG). Elemental analyzes pointed out a comparative higher tantalum and lower germanium content inside these spherulites whereas correlated Raman and SHG microscopies were helpful to determine that the spherulites are the source of the SHG signals and contain quartz-like -GeO2. Macroscopic SHG investigations also suggest a strong dependency of the incident polarization on the SHG intensity, related with the crystal structure of -GeO2 and crystallite orientation inside the spherulites.", publisher = {Universidade Federal de Alfenas}, scholl = {Programa de Pós-Graduação em Química}, note = {Instituto de Química} }